I know I’ve been absent for a while and no I don’t have a good excuse for it. So, allow me to get to where I am today. My writing home Authors By Design is working to get back in to the active role once more. AbD has a blog now. It’s taking the place of our newsletter. We have new private critique groups forming and a short story contest beginning on July 1st.
I’m working to get a critique group going for horror writers only. I was a little hesitant taking the lead on this as I’ve moderated a similar group for children/YA writers and it didn’t go too well. I’m giving this a second chance. Hopefully, everything will turn out alright.
As for the short story contest, here are the details:
Authors By Design Horror Contest
A Twisted Fairytale
Dear AbD members,
We are pleased to announce our first contest for the year 2009. The contest’s theme is A Twisted Fairytale. You may choose any fairytale you like and twist it into a horror story; stories must be 1000 to 1500 words.
Contest will be open to AbD members only. New members that will register for the contest must have at least 3 posts in the forums.
• 40$ Amazon.com gift certificate or 40$ cash into a PayPal account (author's choice)
• A handmade breast cancer awareness bag with office goods (donated by Lynne Chandler)
• Winning story will be posted in The Authors By Design Blog
Submissions open July 1st and close July 31st
Send your submissions to abdblog @ gmail. com (no spaces) along with your forum username.
Membership to the site is free and there are plenty of forums and active threads to fulfill the three post requirement. This is a good writing community to join. I’ve known a lot of the admins, moderators and members for like seven years.
If you’re not a member and have questions, feel free to ask me. If I don’t know the answer, I’ll find someone who does.
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