Words were written. Not many, but some. Began editing a short story. I guess I've been doing flash fiction too long because I've forgotten how tedious it is to edit 5,000 words.
I can say I was quite the overachiever with my submissions. Managed to get a whole TWO sent off. Gave myself some gold stars, a pat on the back and everything.
"Final Footprints" is now in the hands of Pill Hill Press editors for their Daily Frights 2013 anthology. Can't say I have complete faith in it's acceptance but if they do choose it, I hope I get the day I requested. Of course, I chose my birthday. Couldn't think of any other one to choose.
The second story "Sealed With Anguish" hasn't had a lot of luck so far. I've submitted it to like eight different markets and no fish has been biting. Hopefully, this time will be different. The name of the anthology is Down the Rabbit Hole published by Wicked East Press. It's an alternate world type of theme like Neverland and Oz. My story fits the theme perfectly. So, hopefully they'll take it. The bonus would be the $5 paycheck with an acceptance. Got my fingers crossed.
RIP Gore Vidal