So far, I'm staying on target. I can put February down on my goal achievements for the year.
Wrote a short short, currently an orphan with no name. Poor little guy. One of these days, I might actually start breaking the 100-word mark.
Submitted two stories this month. I was feeling spiffy and decided to be an overachiever. Sent "Intruder" to
Nanoism. Wrote it for Tweet the Meat a couple of years ago. They didn't want it. So, maybe Nanoism will.
If you've read the previous post, "Rod's Little Blue Wagon" didn't make the list for Horror for Good. However, after sending it to another anthology market yesterday, I received word today that it was ACCEPTED! I'm so excited and I'm telling everyone. More details to come.
So far, enjoying my W1S1 success!