Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 In Review

I wish I could say I came out of 2012 a Write1Sub1 winner but unfortunately not. Didn't write or submit anything for October and November. However, it wasn't a total loss.

For the year 2012, I submitted a total of 12 short stories: 6 rejections, 3 acceptances (received the recent one for Daily Frights Anthology which will be published next year before Christmas) and 3 pending. In 2011, I submitted 3 short stories and 1 novella with no success. While I may not be in the same league as some writers, that's a huge improvement for me.

I say W1S1 kept me on track for the most part. Will I participate in 2013? Definitely count me in!

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

W1S1 Update - Month 7

I don't know how much joy July brought other than seeing my story published, but goals were accomplished.

Words were written. Not many, but some. Began editing a short story. I guess I've been doing flash fiction too long because I've forgotten how tedious it is to edit 5,000 words.

I can say I was quite the overachiever with my submissions. Managed to get a whole TWO sent off. Gave myself some gold stars, a pat on the back and everything.

"Final Footprints" is now in the hands of Pill Hill Press editors for their Daily Frights 2013 anthology. Can't say I have complete faith in it's acceptance but if they do choose it, I hope I get the day I requested. Of course, I chose my birthday. Couldn't think of any other one to choose.

The second story "Sealed With Anguish" hasn't had a lot of luck so far. I've submitted it to like eight different markets and no fish has been biting. Hopefully, this time will be different. The name of the anthology is Down the Rabbit Hole published by Wicked East Press. It's an alternate world type of theme like Neverland and Oz. My story fits the theme perfectly. So, hopefully they'll take it. The bonus would be the $5 paycheck with an acceptance. Got my fingers crossed.

RIP Gore Vidal

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Rejection #6

Received this one a couple of weeks ago:

Dear Andrea Allison,

Thank you for considering
Haunted Waters Press. We appreciate the opportunity to read "Final Footprints." Unfortunately, From the Depths is not the right showcase for this piece. With regret, I'm afraid we must pass, but would be happy to review any of your future work.

Thank you again.

Best regards,

Susan Warren Utley
Editor, Haunted Waters Press

Visit Haunted Waters Press to view our open calls for submissions and to enter the Penny Fiction Flash Fiction Writing Contest:

After re-reading the story, I realized why they rejected it. It would help if the entire story made sense...LOL! Working on the edits.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Weighing the Good with the Bad

I know it's been awhile since I've updated this blog. A lot has happened.

There was a death in the family. Well, there's been several in the last few months. I've lost a few members of the Great Great part of my family, an aunt and uncle. My step-uncle passed away too. We're still uncertain as to what caused his death.

On the writing front, I've stuck with completing my Write1Sub1 goals. However, no more acceptances to report. But all is not sorrow. Remember my anthology acceptance I bragged about a couple months back? Well, it has been released!

No Rest for the Wicked, a collection of stories about haunted objects, is available for purchase on Amazon for $3.99. My story "Rod's Little Blue Wagon" is #18 on the list! A print version will soon be available through Rainstorm Press' website. No Rest for the Wicked also has it's own Facebook page!


Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Monday, March 05, 2012

Thursday, March 01, 2012

W1S1 Update - Month 2

So far, I'm staying on target. I can put February down on my goal achievements for the year.

Wrote a short short, currently an orphan with no name. Poor little guy. One of these days, I might actually start breaking the 100-word mark.

Submitted two stories this month. I was feeling spiffy and decided to be an overachiever. Sent "Intruder" to Nanoism. Wrote it for Tweet the Meat a couple of years ago. They didn't want it. So, maybe Nanoism will.

If you've read the previous post, "Rod's Little Blue Wagon" didn't make the list for Horror for Good. However, after sending it to another anthology market yesterday, I received word today that it was ACCEPTED! I'm so excited and I'm telling everyone. More details to come.

So far, enjoying my W1S1 success!

Monday, February 13, 2012

A Good Rejection

I kind of expected this letter. Wasn't too confident about the length of my story. Oh well. I hope they raise a lot money for AIDS Research. You can follow the progress of the anthology via their Facebook page at

Dear Andrea,

I'm sorry to say this, but we're going to have to pass on "Rod's Little Blue Wagon."
We had a lot of submissions to consider and as a result we had to let a lot of good stories go. We feel you shouldn’t have a problem getting your story placed in another anthology and we can’t thank you enough for allowing us to read your tale.

We hope you will still consider supporting the anthology and its cause. Thank you again for submitting and we wish you luck in all your future endeavors.


Horror For Good Editors

Wednesday, February 08, 2012


It's been awhile since I've opened my inbox and found an acceptance letter. So, I'll definitely take this one!
Congratulations Andrea,

Your story, "Broke Down" has been selected as "Today's Story" on

As you might know, we allow visitors to critique stories once they've been posted. If you'd like to follow the critiques our readers choose to make, you can do so at

Thanks so much for contributing, and please, don't hesitate to send us more stories in the future.


Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Free Shock Totem All Week

The all mighty Gods of Shock Totem magazine have been so generous as to offer free digital downloads. Each issue will be listed as free on and from Monday to Friday.

You may have missed grabbing a copy of Shock Totem #1 yesterday, but you can get Shock Totem #2 today. Issue three will be free tomorrow, issue four on Thursday and the holiday issue on Friday.

It's a great magazine with excellent artwork and content. If you're a writer looking to break in to this market, I suggest you take advantage of this promo to see what they are all about. 

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

W1S1 Update - Month 1

The first month of the Write 1 Sub 1 challenge wore out its welcome and has since left the building. I am proud to say I have been knighted in to the League of the January Juggernauts!

While I did meet the goal for the month, I wish it was something more than just Twitter fiction. I'm in a procrastination funk. My to-read pile is growing by the day. I'm slipping on my blogging and writing duties. This is not the way to start out a year. But I refuse to give up. I have the next 29 days until the next goal to start proving it.

BTW, while I have your attention, J.A. Konrath, Black Crouch, J. Carson Black, Lee Goldberg, and Scott Nicholson are hosting a Big Kindle Boogie. They're giving away Kindle books, Amazon gift cards, Kindle Fires and library donation today and tomorrow. Please check out the website for a list of free ebooks and more information on the giveaways -

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

What's Next

I have to make a confession. I HATE this new Blogger interface...thing. The whole thing is a mess. I would like to switch back to the old one but the link has mysteriously disappeared. Sneaky bastards! They tricked me with pretty candy. It's the story I'm sticking with and no one can prove otherwise. Hopefully, with enough people complaining, they'll return the option but I doubt it.

I should be excited we are starting a new year but all this talk about apocalypses has made this year such a downer. Is it December 21st yet?

As you can see, I have signed up for the Write1Sub1 Monthly for 2012. I reviewed my writing productivity for last year. Long story's nothing to brag about. Currently, I have a submission out from last month to a charity anthology. I'm anticipating the rejection. With every announcement of a well known writer joining the project, I'm losing faith in my little story. It's great that Jeff Strand, Jack Ketchum and Joe R. Lansdale are contributing. I was among the famous with the last charity anthology I was involved with. Not feeling confident the lightning will be striking twice this time around but we'll see.