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The Winter Issue of Sirens Call Ezine containing my micro fiction stories "My Lost Teddy" and "Lost Pets" is now available free to read.
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As you can see, today's post is not "WIP Wednesday" related. Not really working on anything. Therefore, nothing to report. But...
Page-a-Day WC - 320 words National Delurking Week - Day 2 I received some money for Christmas and decided to invest in my first flash drive....
So, I haven't totally given up my naughty ways. Haven't exactly sat down and wrote anything. Although, I did spend the day getting o...
I have to make a confession. I HATE this new Blogger interface...thing. The whole thing is a mess. I would like to switch back to the old ...
I'll make this quick. For a 1,000+ novel, it was fairly good except for the ending. Quite predictable.