Thursday, July 01, 2010


Anthony Rapino said...

Agreed. King sucks you in with his amazing characterization and sense of place, not to mention a fast moving plot.

Buuuuuut...predictable ending, as you said. Not only predictable, but I thought a bit of a cop-out as well.

Worth reading anyway.

Tz said...

Ughhh Don't tell me that. LOL I just started this one.

Andrea Allison said...

onipar - yeah it felt like a cop-out. He could have done better.

Jc - LOL it's worth the read despite the ending.

Anthony Rapino said...

Yes, still definitely worth reading. King has that strange ability to make his books fun to read, despite the plot.

Bhaswati said...

That's as precise a review as I've ever come across. And it works!