Monday, May 31, 2010

Alterations to the Zombie Battlefield

I believe the zombies stole it when I wasn't looking and played a few rounds of soccer. Gave me time to do some thinking. I've been writing for Write Anything for about three years now. Great group of writers. Don't regret a day of it. However, I feel burnt out on advice. Completely hollow. Even the zombies are starting to avoid me just as we were becoming best pals (that is until they need a play thing). I've been thinking about leaving the line up. Let someone with a little more perky to take over the Thursday column. I think it need something I can't give, at least not now.

I've also been contemplating moving my author website to here. Haven't had many publications with it listed in my bio. I don't predict it to be a huge problem. I mean it's not like I have Romero status or anything. I rarely log in to Webs to tweak it and I'm here pretty much everyday. May be easier to maintain. The zombies are bugging me for their ball. Going to take this time to really give it some thought.

Happy Memorial Day!