Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Free Shock Totem All Week

The all mighty Gods of Shock Totem magazine have been so generous as to offer free digital downloads. Each issue will be listed as free on Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk from Monday to Friday.

You may have missed grabbing a copy of Shock Totem #1 yesterday, but you can get Shock Totem #2 today. Issue three will be free tomorrow, issue four on Thursday and the holiday issue on Friday.

It's a great magazine with excellent artwork and content. If you're a writer looking to break in to this market, I suggest you take advantage of this promo to see what they are all about. 


Anthony Rapino said...

Yahoo! Thanks for the heads-up. I got the first one but didn't realize they were giving a different one away today.

K. Allen Wood said...

Thanks, Andrea! =)