Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 In Review

I wish I could say I came out of 2012 a Write1Sub1 winner but unfortunately not. Didn't write or submit anything for October and November. However, it wasn't a total loss.

For the year 2012, I submitted a total of 12 short stories: 6 rejections, 3 acceptances (received the recent one for Daily Frights Anthology which will be published next year before Christmas) and 3 pending. In 2011, I submitted 3 short stories and 1 novella with no success. While I may not be in the same league as some writers, that's a huge improvement for me.

I say W1S1 kept me on track for the most part. Will I participate in 2013? Definitely count me in!


Anonymous said...

Glad to have you aboard the W1S1 train, and way to go on beating your December goals!

Unknown said...

Happy New Year's and congrats on meeting your W1S1 goals! Happy writing in 2013. :)

DaveK said...

Happy New Year and congratulations on making your Write1Sub1 goal. I am going to focus on a novel for 2013 so you may not see me in the W1S1. Good luck to both of us ;)

Unknown said...

A journey begins with a single month (or something like that). Way to go in December. We're glad to have you on board for 2013.

Happy New Year!

Andrea Allison said...

Thank you all! Glad to be apart of W1S1 again.