Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Did you see the VMAs? I have to admit I'm not one who just loves to watch award shows but every now and then I scope one out. The Michael Jackson tribute was great. Loved Madonna's speech at the beginning. I guess it wouldn't be a tribute without one Jackson participating. Glad it was Janet. Great performances by Pink and Lady Gaga. I have to say I like her music but Lady Gaga's choice of wardrobe is a little much for me.

I still can't believe Kanye West ruined Taylor Swift's VMA moment. How much of a jerk do you have to be to jump on stage and do that? I mean fine. You like Beyonce more than Taylor. Doesn't mean you should snatch the microphone from Taylor and make a fool of yourself telling everyone that. Don't like the guy and never will.

I'm just glad Beyonce did the classy thing and let Taylor make her acceptance speech.