Saturday, March 13, 2010

No Answer Policy

I don't understand magazines who have this policy to not notify writers unless it is an acceptance. Its like someone is telling you a story. The plot is building and building until reaching the climax. Then, nothing. They walk away and you never hear the end of the story.

I was browsing through all the listings on Duotrope and came across one of these markets. If your story doesn't get accepted, you never hear from them. You're left wondering if your submission was lost in cyberland or just wasn't good enough to make the cut. I prefer a form letter over nothing at all. Limbo can be more frustrating than rejections...


ghostposts said...

kind of leaves you hanging. :P

Andrea Allison said...


Cate Gardner said...

Except for agents, I don't submit to places that don't reply to submissions.