Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Wait is Over

I made a promise. Stood my ground. Avoided temptation to display my impatience on my precious blog. As of Tuesday, my silent stance is over. The official verdict is been rendered:

Dear Writer,

I'd like to thank you for your submission to Shroud. Unfortunately it was not selected for a second read nor for publication at this time.

We have very limited space at Shroud and I truly wish I could publish and pay for more stories than I currently accept but it's just not an option. Please do not consider this a "rejection" of your work, but more of a "we'll have to pass for now".

In most cases, we try to offer a personlized response to submissions. If you have not received one, then please accept our sincere apologies for the impersonal nature of this note.

You can read why you did not receive a personlized response here:

Thank you for entrusting your creative work with Shroud. We hope to hear from you again in the near future.


Tim Deal
Editor & Publisher
Shroud Publishing LLC

There's the kick in the coffin that I needed to make this week just so perfect. Can't say that I'm surprised. Oh, there were prayers for an acceptance but the rejection was expected. Oh well. The parades, fireworks and chickens in bunny suits will have to wait a little longer, I guess.


Martin Rose said...

Would you like a laugh? I just got the same exact form letter at the same time. Take it as encouragement, so many others never made it that far. Time for me to start drinking. Enough shots of whiskey, and I'll start seeing parades, fireworks, and chickens in bunny suits!

Andrea Allison said...

LOL I try to stay positive but anymore of this kind of encouragement and I'll start seriously considering retiring to a cabin on Crystal Lake. You think Jason Voorhees will take Mastercard?