After twenty-nine days of talking myself in circles, stacks of useless dialogue and very little action scenes, I finally stumbled over the finish line with a word count of 51,400 words. I wish I could say I'm doing the jumping for joy and releasing balloons, but I can't muster up any excitement. Even the smooth vocals of one Enrique Iglesias singing "Bialamos" on the radio couldn't lift my spirits.
Have I accomplished something? Yes. I keep trying to convince myself that I've done something thousands of others couldn't or wouldn't. It's like I wrote the 50K words. I validated it to have proof. Then downloaded all the pretty graphics to show everyone what I did which by the way, we should at least get a bumper sticker or something after all that. The online pretties just don't seem as satisfying anymore.
The 50K just doesn't feel challenging anymore. If I participate for a fifth year, I'm going for it. 75,000 words in one month. That's right. I said it or rather typed it. I realized I need a bigger challenge. This isn't working anymore. So, come back next year and witness me write myself to death. Perhaps it'll be a first.

I'm considering joining in on the fun under my Ghost Stories persona. I've had zombies on the brains for an entire month, why not? I promised my GS readers a giveaway. I was planning on waiting until after the holidays but before could be good too. If I can get my money ducks in a row on time, I will be giving away The Walking Dead, Vol. 1: Days Gone Bye (paperback) which is a collection of the first six issues of the comic book and a copy of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by: Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith (paperback). I'm sure I won't have any problems with the money issue considering Christmas is just around the corner. So, be on the lookout for that.
Any true writer dreams of dying at the keyboard, right? Congrats!
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