Sunday, January 09, 2011

Welcoming the New Year

It seems my first post of the year is way overdue. I read somewhere that if you don't have your Christmas tree down by Jan. 6th it's bad luck. It's January 9th and the tree is still standing tall, looking pretty. At this point, we're milking the bad luck for all it's worth.

I have been thinking about what I want to accomplish this year. 2010 was better than 2009, submission wise. Granted, it was more like one story being sent out to various markets, but I put myself out there. Totally important. All rejections. No acceptances. Not exactly uplifting but the slate is clean.

New goals equals momentary burst of "WooHoo" followed by a realization of how much work new goals bring with them. Here's what I'm hoping to accomplish in 2011:

1. Write more. Excluding Nano, I didn't write much. My Nano novel sits unfinished on my laptop and I have a folder full of ideas. No shortage on project potential.

2. Read. Did quite a bit of reading last year but have since fallen behind on reviews. Must. Catch. Up.

3. Edit more. Naturally, writing's best friend editing is part of the love/hate package. After several years of Nano, I still have a pile of short stories still waiting for a little attention.

4. Interact. Sure I have shared a few giggles with other writers but not so much shop talk. Last couple of years felt like I was always being left out of the loop. Not fun.

The rest is left up to my mood swings and necessities. Or perhaps a flying unicorn will swoop in and give me infinite knowledge of the universe.

Good luck to the masses for a great year!


Julie Ferguson said...

I definitely have reading more on my list for this year. I have a pitful collection and will be making the effort to buy more books this year and read them.