Wednesday, February 01, 2012

W1S1 Update - Month 1

The first month of the Write 1 Sub 1 challenge wore out its welcome and has since left the building. I am proud to say I have been knighted in to the League of the January Juggernauts!

While I did meet the goal for the month, I wish it was something more than just Twitter fiction. I'm in a procrastination funk. My to-read pile is growing by the day. I'm slipping on my blogging and writing duties. This is not the way to start out a year. But I refuse to give up. I have the next 29 days until the next goal to start proving it.

BTW, while I have your attention, J.A. Konrath, Black Crouch, J. Carson Black, Lee Goldberg, and Scott Nicholson are hosting a Big Kindle Boogie. They're giving away Kindle books, Amazon gift cards, Kindle Fires and library donation today and tomorrow. Please check out the website for a list of free ebooks and more information on the giveaways -


Lydia Gray said...

Congratulations for meeting your W1S1 goals!
A twitter fic is an amazingly clever thing, and I really admire the people that can write them.

Good luck for February.

Michael Haynes said...

Congratulations on meeting your W1S1 goals for January! I hope that you have a great February.

Jillian Schmidt said...

I definitely understand meeting goals but still being in a bit of a funk. Kudos for not giving up and best of luck re-energizing for February.

Anthony Rapino said...

Eek! I guess I'm a big loser for January. I never got past my 1,000 words.

Dawn said...

Hi Andrea,

No piece of writing is ever "just". You started and finished something. Some people never do that. Strive to be even better next month, right? Every day is a gift. Treat it like one.

Good luck!

Patsy said...

I'm pretty good at procrastination myself so can understand how you've not achieved as much as you'd like - here's hoping you do even better in February.