Dances With Doubt
Ever feel like you're always a mile behind everyone else? After eight years, I thought I would be at a certain place by now. Hobnobbing with fangs and fur in majestic balls. That kind of thing. Every time I read a book or article on writing, it seems I shouldn't be getting more rejections than acceptances; Instead, a healthy dose of both. One Brian Keene article and a serious Robin Williams movie and I'm left wondering what the hell did I get myself in to. Okay....maybe not so much. But you get what I'm saying right?
I have these moments of doubt on occassion, in fact just like you I'm currently in one, trying to decide if I should just take a week off or push myself to work through it.
I'm currently still undecided, but I know where you're coming from! Good Luck!
We all cycle through this dance with doubt and I wish I could tell you it gets easier with time, but I don't think it does. You just have to let it pass and move on.
You watched "According to Garp," didn't you? Great movie, but man he got famous quick!
Just. Keep. Writing.
It will come. It will come.
Jen - I have them often but always try to push through. Good luck to you too!
sarahjayne - Oh I know it doesn't get easier. Nothing good comes easy right?
Natalie - Never seen "According to Garp". The movie I was referring to was "The Final Cut" where the majority of humanity has these chips in their brains for recording their memories. Kind of creepy.
Aaron - Trust me...I am...
The acceptance / rejection ratio depends on where you send your stories too. There's no right, no wrong.
very true which is why I blame myself for not being where I want to be right now. procrastination can definitely kick a person in to submission if you allow it.
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