Friday, April 23, 2010

Setting It Aside

Dear Andrea,

Thank you for the opportunity to read "Sealed With Anguish". Unfortunately, your story isn't quite what we're looking for right now. Each month, we receive hundreds of submissions and while I may like many of them, I can only publish twelve of them per year.

In the past, we've provided detailed feedback on our rejections, but I'm afraid that due to time considerations, we're no longer able to offer that service. I appreciate your interest in Clarkesworld Magazine and hope that you'll keep us in mind in the future.

Take care,

Neil Clarke
Clarkesworld Magazine

For those keeping count, this makes rejection number five for this story. I'm going to tweak it a bit before sending it out to anyone else. After another quick look over, I realized it comes off a little too contemporary and not enough horror. So, will see...


Aaron Polson said...

A Clarkesworld rejection is the closest thing to a sure thing in this world. They play so well and only accept 11 unsolicited pieces a year?

Good luck with the tweakage.

Andrea Allison said...

Yeah I kind of figured as much. But since the waiting period was days not months, I gave it a shot anyways.

sarahjayne smythe said...

Sorry to hear about the rejection, but thanks so much for the shout out for my countest. I wanted to let you know that I was over here following you now. :)

Andrea Allison said...

Sarahjayne - Thanks and congrats again!