Friday, January 02, 2009

Day One

I made one resolution this year. That was to write one page a day (except for on Sundays). Today I wrote 236 words on my Nano '07 project and I have the photo to prove it. There's a whole bible thing going on here if you haven't noticed. The words in black are the new stuff.

In other news, I dipped in to my Christmas money and bought a copy of A Medley of Fiction: an Anthology. I have a short story and poem in it. So, it's a good investment on my part. I was required to pay for it through Paypal. I can't stand Paypal!!!

You have to have a bank account or sign up for one of their credit cards in order to verify your account. You can't make any transactions of almost any kind until you verify your account. Most of the time I'm broke. So, don't really need a bank account right now and I'm damn sure not going to sign up for their credit cards. The only reason why I even have an account with them is for all the ezines/magazines who pay only through Paypal. If they didn't send checks, I'd pull a Britney to the extremes and yank all my hair out.

By the way, my website is on the nomination list for the Preditors & Editors poll. VOTE FOR ME!!!